You are the lightāœØ

Hi everybody!

First of all I apologize for not being as consistent; life can just be crazy at timesšŸ˜….

I hope you are well and keeping safe.

I wanted to talk about something that has been on my heart for a while now and what it means to me and I truly hope it helps someone today.


ā€œYou are the light of the worldā€ Matthew 5:14āœØ

In this specific verse, Jesus tells us we are the salt of the earth and light of the world.
A light is defined as a natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.

Jesus expresses that we illuminate his light.
We are called to be the light of the world ; to show the good works of the Lord and to provide the same love he gives to us and express it with everyone else.

The same light that he has, is the very same light that exists in you. Do you realize how amazing that is? And Iā€™m not exaggerating this.

But is there more to it? I usually try not to take anything literal and try to seek more of out of it.
After I read this, I now understand that I was chosen to be his light, emphasis on ā€œHisā€. That one word changes everything for me.

To be the light means that in times of darkness you offer hope, encouragement, kindness and compassion.

In a world filled with so much dark forces, you can be that anchor of hope for someone, and most importantly you can be that light for yourself.

This is why I have decided to share this. I want to remind you that you have so much in you, you are a light in this world and you shouldnā€™t forget that.

You donā€™t need any validation from anyone, you shine in your own way and I want you to always keep that in mind. Your creator says you are the light and thatā€™s all that matters.

When your life’s light shines into the eyes of another, others will resist seeing you succeed. Don’t let others dim your light. Feel a sense of sorrow for their negativity and gratefulness for the positivity of your spirit.

I truly hope this touches someone and will remain with you forever ā¤ļø




F3FE40EB-B73D-47A9-96DD-372EF0FE43EAHi guys.

Hope you are all well and keeping safeāœØ

Well here we go again! So today I want to focus on growth, but with a little twist of comparison. What is growth exactly? How do you define growth? In my perspective, I see growth as moving forward from a situation and learning from it, this can be physically, mentally or emotionally.

I recently turned 22šŸ„³, and even though it was really exciting, it was equally scary. Turning a new age comes with a lot of thoughts;
ā€œOmg Iā€™m getting oldā€, ā€œAm I on the right track in life?ā€, ā€œDo I have more time left to do what I actually want to do.ā€? I wonder if anyone else thinks that way too, or if itā€™s just me.

I started to think about how people my age have achieved so much, while I havenā€™t really accomplished much. I also started to wonder if we all get similar thoughts in this particular regards, even though it might not be on purpose.
This is why growing older for me is a very scary thing. The constant wondering if Iā€™m headed in the right direction or if this is where God actually wants me to be. It can really be upsetting at times, especially when I dwell on it for a long period of time, and Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not alone on this. I want to reassure you that itā€™s okay, itā€™s really okay! We were not built to function like machines with no feelings.
Do not guilt trap yourself with your emotions, matter of fact use them to try and see what theyā€™re trying to teach you.

Whatā€™s not okay is to remain stagnant in that position and with those disturbing emotions, this is where growth comes in. Acknowledge your feelings, allow yourself to feel them all and begin to move on. This obviously doesnā€™t happen over night, itā€™s gonna take time but no matter how long it takes, keep moving forward.

Iā€™m gonna share with you some tips on what I do to help with my growth process, hopefully they can help you tooā¤ļø

1.Prayer – Venting to someone usually helps and for me : God is number 1. Telling God how I feel and expressing my emotions to Him always helps me feel better.

2. Scripture – Iā€™m sure if youā€™ve read my previous posts , Iā€™ve mentioned Ā Jeremiah 29:11 a lot, honestly this is my favorite verse. It always reminds me that God has a plan for me and nothing I do will change that. With this said, I look at it from a different perspective, we are all Gods children and He has a different plan for each and every one of us and the key word here is different, so it really wouldnā€™t be fair for me to compare myself to someone else knowing the circumstances are going to end differently.

3. Gratitude app- An app my friend introduced to me and itā€™s really had a positive impact on my life. You basically have to write about what you are grateful for every single day , it can be a person or object but it always reminds me that I always have something to be thankful forā¤ļø
You can find it on App Store and itā€™s free.

4. Positive Affirmations- Telling myself at least once a day that , ā€œI am worthyā€ , ā€œI will succeed.ā€ And thatā€™s just a few of them. It made me realize we can be so kind to others but not to ourselves. But remember you canā€™t be something to someone if you are nothing to yourself.

This are Ā just some of the ways that help , but Iā€™m sure there are others.
Before I leave I just want to leave you with this : ā€œFocus your energy on things that will elevate or support your growth process not everything is worth your energy.ā€

I really hope you find this post helpful and have learned something from it. I would love to hear your feedback too.

Love and Light

Sheā€™s back āœØ

Hello belovedsšŸŒ»

I know itā€™s been a minute, actually itā€™s been exactly a year and 6 months. Where does time fly to? A lot has happened and I mean a lot , but donā€™t worry we have enough time to catch up.

First of all I hope you are all keeping safe during this pandemic and my prayers go out to you and all your loved ones.

Lets dive in! But first, I apologize for any mistakes as Iā€™m still a bit rusty.

I started this blog thinking it was to share my journey with God and try to encourage others to seek Him during troubled times, but I somehow got ahead of myself. As time passed I realized it was to help myself as well, hereā€™s how: Whenever I feel like Iā€™m losing hope, going back and reading what I have been through helps me fight another day. Knowing I survived any troubles in the past helps me realize I can survive whatever comes my way in future. (I hope you get what Iā€™m saying).

In case youā€™ve wondered why I had stopped writing, the following should be reason enough. About 9 months ago I was diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety, and No I did not diagnose myself, I seeked professional help. If you read my first post, you might recall me saying that giving myself to God has helped me overcome my years of fighting depression and if Iā€™m being honest I wasnā€™t accurate. Donā€™t get me wrong, we serve a miracle working God but I kept masking my emotions and let them built up over the years and they finally exploded, figuratively of course.

I would find myself crying myself too sleep,having a lot of negative thoughts, and I wasnā€™t happy for a long time. I thought if I just push through it would get better overtime but it didnā€™t. I would stay in my room a lot, only went to school and came straight home. I basically didnā€™t want to be surrounded by other people and I didnā€™t enjoy doing anything anymore. I was eating less and sleeping more, I wasnā€™t myself.

One day I made the decision to see a counselor, I just needed someone to talk to. When I actually spoke to her , it didnā€™t feel any different and thatā€™s when she recommended me to her psychiatrist friend that was able to diagnose me. At this point I didnā€™t know what to think, I didnā€™t grow up in a house were mental health was something we actually spoke about so this was all new to me. I was prescribed anti depressants and she instructed me to see her every week to monitor my progress.

During the time I was feeling like this, I completely stopped praying, reading my bible and going to church. I was angry with God, I know it wasnā€™t fair to Him but I couldnā€™t help it. Why did I have to go through this? Couldnā€™t he just take it away? Imagine being trapped in a cage with no way out,thatā€™s depression. I couldnā€™t believe the type of thoughts I was having , no person ever wants to feel unhappy, it hurts especially when you are doing it by yourself. I thought I was done feeling that way, that it was in my past but I guess I was wrong again. I guess thatā€™s why I stopped writing, I couldnā€™t stand the thought of myself lying when I knew everything wasnā€™t okay.

It was a rough time for me and I still canā€™t believe Iā€™m still here. And you know thatā€™s the great thing about God even when we donā€™t ask for his help, he still comes through. Every time I look back to that exact moment I remember that God had been there for me. He would send someone so I would always have a shoulder to cry on or someone who would just listen. He surely is amazing.

We all go through hard times and no one has the right to determine whose burdens are bigger than the other, if it hurts you it hurts you! We canā€™t put a size on pain. God is with us during these bad times ā€œIsaiah 41:10ā€ even though we canā€™t feel it sometimes but he always is.

Itā€™s not easy looking for that beam of light when all you can see is darkness around you but my beautiful friend look for it, itā€™s there. I may not be the right person to give you advice because Iā€™m as messed up as they can get but I just want to remind you that God loves you and has a plan for you. ā€œJeremiah 29:11ā€

I truly hope you will be hearing more from me, and I promise to write more and be more consistent. On that note Iā€™m going to leave you with this ā€œYou are loved, you are loved even while you feel this wayā€ MHN

I hope you have a fantastic Sunday and a blessed week aheadāœØā¤ļø

With love


Where are we heading?

Did you know that you were created for a great purpose? Each one of us. It is because of this purpose we can all be saved by grace ( 2 timothy 1:9).
Feels like a lot of responsibility right?
But God wouldnā€™t have you given you the task without giving you the ability to do it.

This purpose can only be discovered in Christ Jesus. It is by God’s grace we are able to fulfil this purpose, but this can only be so when we live a sin free life for God does not associate with sin.

Sin is a normal thing now.
I see it everyday on social media, on tv and in everyday life.
And this got me thinking, where are we heading as a generation? The apparent ā€œleaders of tomorrowā€

If we compromise to sin, we are no better then the people before Jesus.
The Lord sacrificed so much to set us free, we shouldnā€™t be running back to the same things He came to save us from.
As Paul adviced Timothy in 1 Timothy chapter 6, ā€œTimothy you belong to God, so keep away from all those evil things. Fight a good fight for the faith and claim eternal life.ā€ Thatā€™s what we need to do.

Yes I know we canā€™t help it because sin is in our nature but because of Jesus we can conquer the flesh. Are you still making excuses for your actions?
Are you still comprising the sin in your life?

If we donā€™t become a generation who seeks God wholeheartedly and preaches the good news. There surely is no hope for our world. No hope for the generation coming after us.

Donā€™t get me wrong, this world is temporary but the Lord placed us here for a reason.
So be the change, it doesnā€™t happen overnight but with the years to come, we can become better.
ā€œFollow the example of the correct teaching and let the faith and love of Christ Jesus be your model.ā€ 2 Timothy 1:13

Best wishes :


Goodbye 2018

4E47653E-30D8-4A80-AE99-2B57C4DD21D7Another year gone

2018 ,had its good times and definitely its bad times but Iā€™m grateful for 2018. I am a better person for it.

Iā€™m here to encourage someone today. Donā€™t focus on the negatives of 2018 : your mistakes , failures.
But focus on the positive: So I want to congratulate you, You made it.
Through all the heartaches, you are still here.

As you enter 2019, donā€™t forget why you made it this far: the grace of God. God was with you though it all.
Crying late at night? God was with you, when you lost someone dear to you: God was with you. When you were in financial ruin : God was with you.

God was there , I might not know why He lets it happen but I do know one thing : Nothing just happens.

Nothing just happens, everything you go through in life is significant.
And I want you to hold on to this in 2019, when you feel like letting go. Donā€™t forget, nothing just happens.
There is a greater purpose behind it.
Hold on to this truthšŸ¤žšŸ¾ā¤ļø

May your 2019 be filled with the grace of God.
May He keep you and your family.
I pray good health and success follow you like a shadow.

Best wishes

Gods not done with youšŸŒø

2C9B2067-A2D6-40CA-BEC3-7036A51D7EE9Ever feel like God has abandoned you?

Ever feel like God doesnā€™t love you anymore?

I know I do.

There comes a time in your life when you feel a strain in your relationship with God and itā€™s not something that you did but it just seems disconnected. How does it feel when your heart has drifted you ask? From my personal experience, I usually close off, I keep to myself. I get too busy to spend time with Jesus and I always make excuses for not praying as much.

Getting through this phase is not easy. You are not yourself. But all you have to do is pour your heart out to Him, his always ready to listen.

For a long time I actually thought that we could break our relationship with God , that if we sinned thatā€™s it. That there was actually something that could seperate us from the love of God.

Iā€™m here to tell you there isnā€™t. ā€œI am sure that nothing can separate us from Godā€™s love, not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from Godā€™s love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord!ā€ Romans 8:38-39. I don’t know why and I donā€™t know how but there isnā€™t.

Itā€™s really crazy to think about it. God, the creator of heaven and earth, has all the power. We are mere humans, we donā€™t add anything to his worth. But he still loves us and cares for us.

God is still with you. No matter what you did, God will never stop loving you. He wants you to know that you can still come back to Him, he wonā€™t turn you away. ā€œCome near to God and He will come near to you.ā€ James 4:7

We live in a world where only when you give, you can expect to receive. But God doesnā€™t work like that, He loves you despite what you give Him.

His love is pure and genuine. Iā€™m here to remind you that God has a plan for your life and it is beyond our own imagination.

And donā€™t ever let anyone tell you different. So stop sulking and be amazed that you have a God that would do anything to see you happyšŸŒ»

Love MarianešŸŒø

A Season of Patience

37075AFD-132F-417F-B8B8-8DC5B2CD986AWe all go through different seasons but I would like to focus on one: Patience.

Patience isnā€™t something that naturally comes to me, ever since I was a kid ,I have always been impatient. So you can imagine how I feel when God makes me wait.

It became easier when I gave my life to Him but it didnā€™t just magically disappear.

For the past four months , God has put me through a season of waiting, well not only me, about a 1000 other students.

When I left for the holiday about 4 months ago, we received news that our medical license was taken away. At first I didnā€™t worry about this, since we were given 2 months of vacation, I was sure it would be fixed by the time we were suppose to go back. Boy was I wrong.

The end of July arrived when school was expected to start but it didnā€™t. I left for school anyway, because I had faith it would start in August. August passed by and nothing. Now I started being worried, starting panicking and here comes the anxiety attacks.

I started applying to other schools and this was every day. So when I finally found one that accepted me, I was overjoyed. Then boom my parents shut it down. At this point, I didnā€™t know what to do, couldnā€™t sleep properly and worry wouldnā€™t leave me.

I prayed and prayed for this every single day. I kept asking God why this was happening to me and to make it worse most of my friends kept leaving. I felt so behind.

I finally decided to go back home, leave everything behind,and start over. It actually hurt that a God who claimed to love me, would let such a thing happen. I cried but finally accepted it, so at this point I was fed up with school and never wanted to go back.

This is mid- September, Iā€™m suppose to leave in 2 days. But I had to go finalize some things at school for the very last time. So this guy at the office tells me ā€œschool is opening next weekā€ but I didnā€™t believe him. This wasnā€™t Ā the first time they told us that. So I decided to tell my mom and suddenly she tells me ā€œ no just wait for another week.ā€ This broke my heart.

I felt so betrayed. I didnā€™t know what people wanted from me. Again I accepted it and moved on. I was so disappointed in God, since nothing was going my way. I didnā€™t even feel like talking to Him.

Then the next day arrives, I receive news that the license was back, with proof. Ā That actually made me feel worse, what? You expected happy ? grateful?. After waiting for so long, my heart wasnā€™t with the school anymore.

Then I received a text, telling us the results are ready. ā€œ Could this week get any worse?ā€ I thought. I started crying, crying for a school that finally opened and results I didnā€™t receive yet. At this point I started reaching out to God , I didnā€™t know what to do, I didnā€™t have much fight left in me.

When I finally got my results, I was in complete utter shock. I passed beyond my expectations and I cried again. I couldnā€™t believe it , I was in awe of Gods grace.

And this made me think about the past 4 months. How did worry help me? How did the crying benefit to my situation? No way at all.

We sometimes lose sight of the Lord and focus on the situation at hand.Ā We forget how big our God is, the same God who hasnā€™t failed you before, what makes this time different?

I want to advice every one going through a similar season, to handle it differently. Focus on Matthew 6:34, ā€œDonā€™t worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself, you have enough to worry about today.ā€ Or 1 Peter 5:7 ā€œGod cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.ā€

We have a Father who wants nothing but the best for us , yes we go through the hard times but it isnā€™t to punish us. His helping us grow. Iā€™m actually glad I went through this, I might not know the reason yet and I might never know but Im sure about one thing : God did this for my own good.

As long as you feel that heartbeat inside of you, know that God isnā€™t done with youšŸŒø.

No God like our God

075875EF-BD86-4E06-AC1D-17C9B33E973FGods free grace is manifested in the salvation of sinners. It requires grace to become born again.Ā And it also requires grace to remain a born again and grow in the Lord.So grace takes us out of the world and brings us into the light .Where we now maximise grace to grow.āœØ

Have you ever wondered what you did to deserve the grace of God? Why God loves us so much?, even when we screw up He still forgives us? Even when we push Him away, He still waits for us.

And the answer is nothing, We did nothing to deserve the grace of God. Thatā€™s just who He is, his a loving God that wants the best for us. His a good Father.

He loves unconditionally, He listens with no conviction, He forgives with no hesitation, He gives with no expectations. That is my Godā¤ļø

There is just something about knowing you have someone, who cares for you so deeply, He is willing to do anything to have you. Itā€™s an incredible feeling.

We lose sight of God when we start looking at the world around us. We see the evil and start questioning if He really does exist. And Iā€™m here to clarify something, He is real, He does exist.

There so many good things that happen in my life, which makes it impossible for me to doubt his existence. If you remember in my first blog, I spoke about my suicidal stage and Iā€™m sure I wouldnā€™t have made it, if it wasnā€™t for the goodness of God.

Jesus didnā€™t promise a problem-free life but he did say ā€œcome to me who are all weary and I will give you rest.ā€ ā€œMatthew 11:28-30ā€

Dear Friends ,our God is like no other God. He made you, He gave you everything today. If he didnā€™t care about you , you wouldnā€™t be here today. Our God is Faithful, He is truthful and most of all merciful.

Dont let the world destroy the image you have of your God. His not going anywhere .But donā€™t be mistaken,Ā when you keep on deliberately sinning or going back in to the world or doing the same wrong things over and over again and expecting God to forgive you (which he will ),you are abusing the grace. I donā€™t know about you but if someone kept taking advantage of me over and over again, I would be hurt. And thatā€™s how God feels when we abuse the gift He has given us.

So let us enjoy the gift we have been given, Iā€™m sure no one else would rather die then live without you. That kinda love is hard to find.

Love MarianešŸŒø

Overcoming a battle


A battle defined by the Oxford dictionary ā€œa sustained fight between large organized armed forces.ā€ This battle is between you and the enemy.

Something you have to know the enemy is going to attack, especially when he knows you are so serious about your relationship with God. Never forget this when going through a battle ā€œNever give up!ā€

Giving up is what the devil wants, he enjoys the satisfaction of seeing us suffer. But always remember that, Jesus has already defeated the enemy. No matter what the devil throws at you , He can never win because Jesus already has the victory.

I know how it feels, when you feel like the Lord has abandoned you and you are going through this battle alone. So tempted to throw in the towel and just let life be. The Lord has promised to neither leave nor forsake you and the God you serve is truthful. He doesnā€™t lie. If He can open the Red Sea for Moses and the Israelites , He can surely help you win the battle.

Lemme tell you something ,see nothing feels greater than just winning a battle. You will be glad you didnā€™t give up. Because during that time you feel alone , your faith grows stronger and when you have no one else to depend on but God, you will be glad you trusted Him.

People the God you serve is Almighty, all powerful, He is limitless. The devil wishes he had an inch of his greatness. So donā€™t be discouraged and keep on keeping on.

I just recently went through a battle so I know how it feels. Itā€™s not gonna be easy but remember Itā€™s gonna be worth it šŸ™ŒšŸ¾

I believe in you and most of all God believes in you šŸ˜Š Never forget when your in the dark what the Lord has told you in the light ā™„ļø

Best Wishes


Life or Death?

4DA1EC9C-8A9F-4579-B225-600F2FD90F41So someone just reminded me, as a disciple of Christ , we have a duty to fulfill, a duty to be a vessel for Jesus, to bring others to him and thatā€™s why Iā€™m here.

I donā€™t think I have emphasized on how important it is to give your life to Christ. It isnā€™t just about finding light in this world filled with darkness.

You know that God loved us so much that he gave His only Son to die for us ( John 3:16) . To set us free from sin.

But Iā€™m telling you now, you have a decision to make , you canā€™t avoid. You canā€™t expect anyone to make it for you. And that is choosing between Life and Death.

Jesus is the Life and this world is death. If you donā€™t live for Jesus, you belong to the kingdom of darkness. Iā€™m not going to sugarcoat anything , this is the truth.

Its not even a matter of saying ā€œno I read my Bible, pray and go churchā€ thatā€™s not enough, the Bible clearly states ā€œIf you are not born again by the spirit, you shall never see the kingdom of God.ā€ (John 3:5)

I think we sometimes forget that this world is not our home. We are temporary residents in this place. One day your heart will stop beating. That will be the end of your body and your time on earth , but it will not be the end of you. While life on earth offers many choices ,eternity offers only two : Heaven or hell.

Im not trying to scare you but this is reality, we put off this decision thinking we have more time. But what if you die tomorrow, what then? Living life for the spare of the moment is a very dangerous thing. Every happiness you experience here is only temporary. Stop being in denial of death.

This world is a deceitful place, it wants you to be happy but it doesnā€™t last forever. We are living in our last days and if you really do read your Bible , you will realize it too. Donā€™t believe me? Read Revelations

Its time guys , itā€™s time to make a decision, stop living in between. Stop putting God as your back plan. Stop running away. Eternity lasts forever and where you spend your eternity is your choice. Choose Life.
Jesus said ā€œ Whoever comes to me , I will never drive awayā€ (John 6:37šŸ˜)